How To Get 1k Instagram Followers In 5 Minutes: Here’s The Truth

Profile photo of Alison Zeller , author

Alison Zeller

Published: Apr 10, 2024

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If you asked a Magic 8-Ball how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes, it might say “outlook not so good” and it would be telling the truth!

Sure, there are Instagram growth services that promise to get you thousands of Instagram followers in 5 minutes for free—that much is true. But are these companies reputable businesses that’ll deliver on all their promises? Probably not. Are they offering the kind of followers that’ll actually help your brand? Definitely not. 

Here’s the truth: this kind of split-second growth on Instagram is just not possible. However, organic Instagram growth can happen in a relatively short amount of time if you’re using the right tools and strategies. 

In this article, we’ll tell you a few real horror stories associated with getting 1k Instagram followers in 5 minutes. Plus, we’ll give you dozens of tips on how to quickly grow your Instagram account the right way.  

Why You Can’t Get 1k Organic Followers On Instagram In 5 Minutes

Any website that guarantees to get you 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes for free is either a fake or a fraud. They may sound convincing and even say it in a very promising way (they’re trying to make a profit, after all). Here’s what’s really happening.

If the company doesn’t run with your money first, they’ll most likely give you 1k bot followers on Instagram in 5 minutes. In other words, these are fake followers that are computer-created by the thousands for the sole purpose of selling them. These are inauthentic Instagram accounts and there isn’t a real person running the account. 

Since they aren’t operated by an actual person, these followers won’t actually do your account much good. They’re just a number. They won’t like any of your posts, post comments, or engage in any way except for spam.

Even worse, these fake followers can harm your account and may even get you banned from the platform.

Bot Followers Are Harmful For Your Instagram Account

Would you be surprised to know that nearly 50% of the followers of some of the most popular Instagram accounts are fake followers? When you find that out, it makes you think less of the brand, right? Diminishing your credibility is just one way that bot followers can harm your Instagram account and your company’s brand identity.

Getting 1k bot followers on Instagram can make things even worse than that. When you buy these questionable followers, you open up your account to spam. They may leave vulgar or annoying comments on your posts. They might even send these kinds of comments to your real followers. Real Instagram users detest spam and may end up unfollowing you if they see it on your account. 

On your business side of things, buying fake followers will throw your metrics out of whack. Your engagement rate will be incredibly low because those bot followers won’t comment on or like any of your posts. That can literally kill your Instagram performance because your engagement levels play a large role in Instagram’s algorithm. 

The bot followers can result in advertisers wasting a lot of cash, too. One report said that these fake bots cost advertisers $1.3 billion per year

The Influx Of Followers Will Alert Instagram

If you go ahead and get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes, be prepared to take some heat from the platform. It’s directly against the Instagram community guidelines to acquire fake followers, and they are pretty savvy when it comes to sorting out fake followers on the platform. IG has an AI system that can find bot accounts, reportedly performing a million sweeps per second, and they will definitely ban these accounts. 

In the summer of 2020, the platform announced that it would go a step further and require suspicious accounts to provide a government-issued ID in order to prove their authenticity. 

Instagram new authenticity measures in 2020

In some cases, Instagram may even shadowban or disable your account totally if they find that you have fake followers. They might go so far as to permanently ban your username to prevent you from creating a duplicate account.

How To Grow Your Instagram Account The Right Way

Now that you know getting 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes is not the right way to grow your Instagram, let’s look at a few legit ways to build up your social community.

1. Engage with other users

Engaging with other users on Instagram is essential for building connections, growing your audience, and increasing your visibility on the platform. Show your appreciation for others’ content by liking and leaving meaningful comments on their posts. This not only encourages reciprocation but also helps you establish relationships with other users.

Respond to comments on your own posts: Engage with users who take the time to comment on your posts by responding to their comments. This shows that you value their input and fosters a sense of community around your account.

2. Like, comment, and share!

When you like, comment, or share other users’ content, you’re increasing your visibility on the platform. Other users, including the ones whose posts you interact with, may notice your engagement and check out your profile, potentially leading them to follow you.

People are more likely to engage with your content if you engage with theirs. By liking, commenting, and sharing others’ posts, you’re fostering a sense of reciprocity that can encourage them to do the same for you.

3. Send messages to users with fewer followers

Users with fewer followers may receive fewer direct messages

and notifications, which means your message is less likely to get lost in a sea of other messages. This can increase the likelihood of your message being seen and responded to, leading to a potential follow-back.

Smaller accounts are often more open to collaboration opportunities, such as shoutouts, cross-promotion, or content collaborations. By initiating a conversation with them, you may uncover opportunities to collaborate, which can help you both grow your audiences mutually.

4. Link to other social media accounts

By linking your Instagram account to other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, you can leverage your existing audience on those platforms to attract followers to your Instagram account. Your followers on other platforms may be interested in your Instagram content and choose to follow you there as well.

Each social media platform has its own user base and demographics. By cross-promoting your Instagram account on different platforms, you increase your reach and visibility to a broader audience who may not be active on Instagram but are present on other social media channels.

5. Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags categorize your posts and make them discoverable to users who are searching for or following those specific hashtags. This means that using relevant hashtags can significantly increase the visibility of your posts beyond just your followers, exposing your content to a wider audience and potentially attracting new followers.

By using hashtags that are relevant to your niche, industry, or interests, you can reach users who are specifically interested in the type of content you post. This helps you target your ideal audience and attract followers who are more likely to engage with and appreciate your content.

Use An Organic Instagram Growth Service

Don’t be discouraged by all of the frauds and fakes. Real and reputable Instagram growth companies do exist! These companies will help you achieve organic growth by getting followers from accounts run by actual people. No, you won’t get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes, but you’ll see genuine engagement that won’t get you banned from the platform.

Tools We Recommend


Kicksta is one of the most successful organic Instagram growth services available. Because their process works seamlessly, they’ve helped more than 10k brands build an authentic and engaged Instagram following. ‘available. Because their process works seamlessly, they’ve helped more than 10k brands build an authentic and engaged Instagram following. 

Kicksta homepage photo
How It Works

First, you’ll provide Kicksta with a list of your competitors, other brands that are like yours, and social media influencers in your industry. This creates a broad base of Instagram profiles with followers that may also be interested in your Instagram content. 

Then, Kicksta’s AI program goes to work. It automatically likes the posts of people who follow the brands that were on your list in the first step. When your account likes their posts, these people will be curious about who you are, and they’ll most likely come to check out your Instagram feed. If you consistently post great content, these people will see it and ultimately become your followers.

Pricing Breakdown

Kicksta’s pricing is simple. There are two pay-as-you-go options: a $49 standard plan and a $99 premium plan. Of course, the premium plan comes with extra features like live chat support and advanced targeting. They also offer a 14-day money-back guarantee for both plans.

Kicksta photo of pricing plans
Kicksta logo

Want to organically grow your Instagram and gain REAL followers?

Try Kicksta Today!
Kicksta Reviews

Kicksta customer Jason Whaling didn’t want to mess around with trying to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes. He knew that would do a great disservice to the brand he’d worked so hard to create. So, he came to Kicksta for help. “Unlike other services or apps, Kicksta actually cares about helping you grow your account the right way without looking spammy,” he said. “Their monthly service focuses on driving real engagement with your target audience by doing all the hustling of engaging!”

Jason Whaling Instagram account bio

Social media influencer Kristi Eide stalled out when her Instagram account reached 2k followers. Then, Kicksta helped her jump over that hurdle and propelled her to 10.5k Instagram followers in just two months. “Kicksta gave me that exposure and has opened up doors of opportunity for me as my following continues to grow and my brand does as well,” she said.

Kristi Eide Instagram account nio

Post Quality Content Consistently

Users follow brands that post the content they want to see. Posting the right kind of content on a consistent basis can work wonders when it comes to quickly building your IG following. No, you aren’t promised 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes by using this strategy, but you do have a really good chance of your followers sharing your quality content with their friends.

Many social media pros recommend posting daily. If you can’t quite get there, try to hit at least three times each week. This consistency is ideal for getting your followers to engage with your content and, like we mentioned earlier, engagement is key to the Instagram algorithm. 

Don’t get caught in the trap of posting content purely for the sake of posting, though. That won’t grow your following, and posting useless content may even cause some of your followers to unfollow your brand. Instead, focus on quality content that meets the wants and needs of your target audience.

Tools We Recommend


An Instagram planning app like Planoly can help you streamline the process of posting consistently. It’s your one-stop-shop for drafting, planning, scheduling, measuring, and publishing your content. You can schedule posts and Stories from the app. Bonus: the planner works on desktop, too. 

Planoly sign up page


To transform your images and videos, use VSCO. If you’re not a professional photographer, this is a smart way to make your images engaging for your followers. The app offers beautiful presets, but you can also get more granular using their advanced photo editing tools. 

VSCO photo app

Learn What Content Your Followers Want

After you’ve been posting quality content for awhile, you’ll probably begin to notice some trends among your followers. Which type of content gets the most likes? Which type of content often falls flat? Getting insight into these two questions can help you produce more of the content your followers want, leading to better engagement and faster growth.

Tools We Recommend 

Instagram Analytics 

If you have a business or creator account, Instagram offers metrics and analysis right on their platform. Just go to the three bars in the upper right corner and tap on ‘Insights’. You’ll be able to see data on specific posts, videos, and stories. You can get account-level metrics, too.

Instagram analytics metrics and trends photo

Sprout Social 

Sprout Social offers a paid analytics software that can give you incredibly valuable information about your Instagram and how it’s performing. You’ll be able to see which posts have gotten the  most engagement, find potential influencers, customize all of your metrics in interactive charts, and run unlimited reports.

Sprout Social Photo Instagram Analytics

Optimize Your Bio 

Once you realize you don’t want to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes and you gather all of these tools and resources that can attract new users to your Instagram, there’s one last step: optimizing your bio. 

If your bio isn’t optimized, users may not stick around to follow you. A sloppy, unfinished bio will give users the impression that your brand simply isn’t worth following.

So, how do you optimize your Instagram bio? Follow these tips:

1. Use A Branded Profile Picture

This one little image can mean a lot to potential followers. What will your profile picture convey about your brand? Stick with a logo if your brand is business-oriented. If your style is more casual, use a picture that shows your personality—within reason.

Kicksta logo

Want to organically grow your Instagram and gain REAL followers?

Try Kicksta Today!

Courtney is a food blogger, so she uses her bio pic to show a bit of personality, but she keeps it professional.

sweettoothcourt instagram bio account

2. Make Bio Text Descriptive

You get 150 characters in your Instagram bio so use them wisely! Think about the two or three most important things you want your followers to know about you and put that in your bio. Don’t be afraid to get a little clever here—your potential followers will appreciate it! You can also add some pizzaz to your bio by using different Instagram fonts.

Alyssa Nobriga is a life coach who uses her IG bio to communicate the most important parts about her brand: she’s providing exactly what her clients need and she’s extremely qualified to do so. 

Alyssa Nobriga life coach instagram bio

3. Use Informative Hashtags

Even though the hashtags in your bio don’t make your profile searchable by those hashtags, they’re still important. They are clickable, so use your bio hashtags to show what your account is about or to spotlight your brand’s hashtags.

Entrepreneur Andy Frisella uses his bio hashtags to promote the fitness programs he’s created. 

Andy Frisella instagram account using hashtags in bio

4. Take Advantage Of A Link In Bio Tool

The link in your Instagram bio is your followers’ connection to your brand outside of social. A link in bio tool will help you maximize the impact of your one bio link. Be sure to use a tool that allows unlimited links and offers multiple options, like

urlbio tool photo

Do You Still Want 1k Instagram Followers In 5 Minutes For Free? 

Hopefully this article has taught you the truth about getting 1k Instagram followers in 5 minutes—it doesn’t work! There are plenty of organic ways to make your Instagram take off and achieve steady growth. Stay away from bot followers, optimize your bio, and trust the process of creating quality content. 

Instagram Growth Hacks

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