Instagram Marketing Tips For Clothing Stores

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Rebekah Carter

Last Updated: Apr 1, 2024

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Today we live in the era of technology. Therefore, social media marketing is crucial for the existence and promotion of any business, especially for new ones.  That being the case, digital marketing and well-organized social media accounts are essential for clothing stores, too. Since billions of people and potential customers use different social media, clothing brands must create content that reaches the right audience and catches their attention. This content should be both interesting and amusing.

We hope this essay will guide newly established clothing stores to properly use Instagram for marketing. We’ll try to explain how stunning pictures of clothes or models, delightful posts, and building connections with customers can become powerful marketing tools and help your business flourish. If you follow all these tips, you will have a big chance to stand out among countless stores and businesses on this vast platform. Like it or not, today, this is the chief guarantee of a successful business. 

Why do clothing stores need an Instagram presence?

Nowadays, such a system has been established that people search and discover products they want on social media, particularly Instagram has over 1 billion users per month. Accordingly, Instagram’s presence is significant for clothing stores because a lot of people can discover them here. An Instagram account is enough to gain exposure, but you need to use it correctly and smartly. 

1. Highly visual platform

One of the main benefits of Instagram is that is visually appealing, which allows clothing brands to show off their products in an alluring and eye-catching way. People are easily attracted by beautiful photos and make decisions according to that. Therefore, in this digital world visual side means a lot, and this aspect of marketing is one of the first prerequisites for increasing sales. 

Since clothing is directly related to beauty, appearance, and visuals, clothing stores should create content that showcases their clothing or model photos as attractively as possible. In addition to that, stores need to organize their fashion Instagram accounts in a way that reflects their style, concepts, and, most importantly, their identity.  

2. Exposure and a large audience

As we have already mentioned, Instagram has over a billion monthly users and provides an amazing opportunity to communicate directly with this huge audience. Therefore, it’s very important for any business, including clothing brands, to be present on such a platform, as it allows them to reach not only local customers but diverse audiences from any part of the world. 

For exposure, it’s also quite important to master different features of Instagram, like stories, reels, and mostly hashtags. Using proper and relevant trending Instagram hashtags increases discoverability for people who are looking for related content or products. 

3. Collaboration with influencers

Today partnership with influencers has become a main marketing tool for a lot of clothing stores. This is because Instagram influencers, as the term already says, influence people greatly. They have their community, their audience, and people who trust their decisions. So, when an influencer introduces a new brand to its audience and promotes their clothes, a lot of people get a good impression even before seeing the product themselves. Accordingly, collaboration with influencers is already a must for newly created clothing brands.

Girl in a clothing store for Instagram

How to start an Instagram account for a clothing store?

Create an Instagram account for your clothing store:

Firstly, you have to download the Instagram app and sign up with your store’s email or a dedicated email for social media. Choosing a username is also significant, as it should reflect your brand’s name or niche.

Optimize your profile: 

The next and quite important step is to complete your profile with a recognizable, eye-catching profile picture, like your store’s logo, a laconic and appealing Instagram bio that describes your brand’s focus or moto, and a link to your website (use Linktree or a similar tool to share multiple links).

Plan content strategy and your style in advance

A lot of people may discover your Instagram account and go to your profile to view it but to retain such potential customers, after those basic steps of creating an Instagram account, you’ll need to choose your content carefully. I mean that the clothing store page should follow a specific style and have relevant posts and stunning photos. This will attract and make people stay on that page and buy the product. 

Master Instagram features: 

A lot of people may discover your Instagram account and go to your profile to view it but to retain such potential customers, after those basic steps of creating an Instagram account, you’ll need to choose your content carefully. I mean that the clothing store page should follow a specific style and have relevant posts and stunning photos. This will attract and make people stay on that page and buy the product. 

Use Instagram automatons:

And lastly, use Instagram automatons to help you run your account. Automatons are bots that allow you to relax while they take care of mundane tasks, like responding to usual customers’ questions in DMs or comments, and automating likes while allowing a social manager to do more important work. 

Instagram automatons can save people’s time and energy and, most importantly, increase the number of followers faster. Automaton tools can help you learn more about your target audiences’ preferences, which is crucial for getting effective results from an Instagram account. You can buy Instagram automation tools on Kicksta, which is a platform that can help you get more followers by automatically attracting real Instagram accounts based on your target audience.

What kind of Instagram should a clothing store have?

We will give you some tips on what kind of Instagram a clothing brand should have, as an effective Instagram account requires specific but easy tricks: 

1. Highlights and stories:

Firstly, I want to talk about the significance of highlights and stories. Instagram posts are more likely to be formal and organized, but stories can be more informal, fun, and entertaining. Clothing stores can use stories to show preparations, behind-the-scene videos or photos, and satisfied customers’ messages. They can also make polls and quizzes and communicate with the audience every day. Highlights are the best way to organize and save these stories for people. 

2. Posting reels: 

I think another Instagram feature that is also a great marketing tool is Reels. Nowadays, Reels is a very important feature of Instagram because it is mostly used by younger users. Tons of people scroll through reels every day to relax and have fun. Therefore, posting beautiful, stylish, and pleasant reels with well-chosen hashtags, captions, and models would be great for the marketing of a clothing store. 

3. Know your target audience’s preferences:

When making every post, every story, or every reel, we must remember who it is all for. For successful Instagram marketing, it is essential to know the interests and preferences of your target audience. So, with all this in mind, an Instagram page of a clothing store shouldn’t just include plain photos of their clothing. It should interest and attract people with something like outfit inspiration, new fashion trends, styling tips, and everything that should be related to their products. 

How to gain more followers on Instagram as a clothing store business?

1. Connect with your audience:

Interact with your audience 

Interactive content is a main prerequisite for connecting with the audience and therefore gaining more followers. Instagram’s polling feature is a great way to do so. You can create polls on Instagram stories and ask opinions of your audience. For example, which model they would like you to add to your collection, which style they prefer, and so on. 

In addition to poles, giveaways and contests are always a great way to build relationships with people. So, clothing stores can organize giveaways and contests once a few months. These kinds of activities demand participation. For example, a lot of contests today that are run on Instagram ask participants to like, follow, share, and tag others, and at last, all of this increases your reach. 

Always respond patiently and quickly

It’s significant to properly communicate with your audience and have genuine interaction with them. Therefore, responding to their messages in a friendly and quick manner is a must for social media marketing, as nothing is more important for a newly created store than a good reputation. 

Post consistently 

Maintaining stability and posting consistently is significant in strengthening communication with your audience. Sharing every important aspect of your work through posts, stories or reels regularly is a necessity. Otherwise, people can very easily forget about your existence. 

2. Influencer partnership:

As we have already mentioned, Instagram influencers hold a lot of power and have an influence on people, so collaborating with them is quite a popular marketing tool for clothing brands to gain more followers and reputation. It would be great to have a recognizable famous influencer as the face of the clothing brand. In addition, barter collaboration is also an optimal form of partnership. Any kind of collaboration with influencers will result in gaining followers since they have an audience that trusts and follows them. 

3. Use Instagram automation to gain niche followers quickly:

You should try using Instagram automation tools to gain more followers. Kicksta is a platform that helps your account grow by interacting with real Instagram users who match your target audience. After a brief initial phase, they’ll begin following and later unfollowing these targeted accounts, stimulating them to engage with your content. This approach will remarkably boost your visibility, interactions like comments, likes, and your follower count.

Brands with the most successful Instagram pages in the clothing store industry 

Is it mandatory to have Instagram for a clothing store?

I think as we live in a world of technology and since marketing has largely moved to the digital space, having an Instagram account is mandatory for every business and every company. Therefore, it is necessary for clothing stores too. I think that nowadays, gathering an audience and customers is only possible on social media, especially on Instagram, as it has a huge user base. 

How soon can you establish a strong Instagram presence for clothing stores?

Generally strong Instagram presence needs months and even years to build strong connections between the store and its followers. However, if you want to strengthen your Instagram account and gather a large audience in a maximally short period (1-2 months), you must contact Flock Social and get their help to gain more followers with the use of Instagram automatons.


In conclusion, Instagram is one of the best platforms for clothing stores among all social media because it has a highly visual nature, and I think clothing and fashion are directly connected with visuals. If you are a clothing store, the first thing you should do is create an Instagram account and master social media marketing. This is the best opportunity to reach the target audience, advertise your products, and gain visibility. Good digital marketing is one of the keys to increasing sales and successful business.

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