The Best Ways to Market Your Luxury Brand On Instagram

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Last Updated: May 26, 2021

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Instagram is unlike any other social media platform in a sense that users are given visual insight to the lifestyles of celebrities and Internet personalities. While we can read about our favorite pop stars, models, and actors in the magazines, the most trustworthy source for all lifestyle and fashion details is their personal Instagram accounts.

Luxury brands of all types have capitalized on this notion by incorporating influencer marketing in their social media advertising campaigns. By having a prominent individual with millions of Instagram followers post a photo with your latest wristwatch or organic energy drink, sales and engagement have proven to increase significantly.

According to HelloSociety, an influencer-specific social marketing agency; celebrity influencer posts have increased engagement for luxury brands by 30 percent.

Oftentimes, seeing a high-end product on your favorite celebrities is convincing consumer needs to splurge on luxury brands. That said, most pricey brands will also choose to utilize an Instagram marketing service to reach their largest audience.

Be Consistent

While there’s clearly great potential for influencer marketing to boost your Instagram engagement, the results won’t happen without consistency. Be careful whom you choose to market your product and research several accounts before committing. Oftentimes, with being a luxury brand, you have your pick of the litter when choosing likeminded personalities.

Keep in mind that Instagram is an entirely visual platform that can either make or break your brand image. Take note of an influencer’s posting habits and compare those images with your brand’s account for reference.

Additionally, don’t follow Instagram trends for the mere sake of engagement unless it remains true to your luxury brand image. Incorporating an influencer who’s fit to represent your brand will always appear more aesthetically consistent. As such, outsourcing an Instagram marketing service to run your brand’s account will ensure consistency for your image.

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Post In Moderation

Luxury consumers expect your posts to be as strategically crafted as your products. Knowing that, each post should be of significant importance and follow all guidelines for your brand image.

Moderation also plays a role in the way you caption a post for a luxury account:

“Luxury brands shouldn’t use too many hashtags, as it cheapens the image and looks desperate,” says Frederic Huber, Digital Luxury Group’s Digital Media Specialist.

While many brands utilize excessive hashtags and an overwhelming amount of posts to gain exposure, that marketing strategy will immediately discredit your luxurious image and reputation among consumers.


By remaining true to the advice above, your Instagram marketing strategy and maintenance should be rather mindless. Once a solid image foundation has been established, let your influencers and aesthetically clean posts bring your brand to a level only achievable in this digital marketing age.

The beauty of this app – especially for luxury brands – is the ability to let your account advertise itself. While only a small fraction of your followers are regular consumers of your products, the others enjoy the novelty and window-shopping aspect of your posts.

How do non-purchasing followers help your brand? Simple. Instagram feeds off frequent engagement and will reward popular accounts by featuring them on the “Discover Page” and leaving their posts at the top of hashtags for users to see first.

High-End Influence

While most brands are busy clogging your feed with sales promotions and iPhone photos of quirky products, users enjoy the subtlety and elegance of luxury brands in a time of excessive posting. Meanwhile, your influencers are doing the legwork and growing your Instagram audience.

“33 percent of millennials rely mostly on influencer blogs before they make a purchase,” said Huber in a recent article for Luxury Society.

This statement further proves the notion that consumers want to see products in use by celebrities before they can personally assess its level of coolness or ultimately purchase high-end, luxury products.

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