How to Measure the Success of an Influencer Campaign

Success of an influencer campaign - Kickstagram
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Last Updated: Jun 15, 2023

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When it comes to marketing with Instagram and learning how to get organic Instagram followers, few methods are more extensively discussed and analyzed than working with well-known social influencers.

Truth be told, if you’ve followed the Kicksta blog for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we talk about influencer marketing quite a bit, ourselves. Let’s chat success of an influencer campaign.

Yup, you guessed it—we’re about to do it again.

But before you roll your eyes and click away to watch the latest viral cat video, we have good reason to be tackling this marketing tactic once again. Why? Today, we’re talking about how to measure whether or not your influencer campaign has been successful.

Have we gotten your attention again? Good. Because these measurements of success are how you can tell if your hard-earned marketing dollars are actually being put to good use—pay attention:

* Key Indicator #1: Reach and Engagement Helps You Get Organic Instagram Followers

Whether you’re bringing in a major influencer with millions of followers or a “micro-influencer” who has less followers, but higher levels of audience interaction, one of the most immediate signs of a successful influencer marketing campaign is a boost to overall reach and engagement.

example of how to get organic Instagram followers

This includes reaching new audience members with a campaign, an increase in the number of users who used your hashtags after seeing influencer-driven content and of course, the number of favorites and comments the influencer’s post received.

Ideally, influencer posts will also lead to an uptick in the number of brand mentions you receive, helping you get organic Instagram followers in the process. 

Best of all, though, it’s fairly easy to see if these numbers are growing. Just make sure that you accurately track everything so you can compare numbers at the end of your campaign.


* Key Indicator #2: Web Traffic

For many, one of the primary goals of marketing on Instagram is to increase overall Web traffic.

While Instagram itself doesn’t offer much help in this department, using a link-tracking service (such as Bitly) to create unique links for an influencer campaign will help you better gauge what percentage of your Web traffic is coming from your influencer.

example of how to get organic Instagram followers

In fact, link-tracking services will give you a total click count for a particular link, which, when combined with Google Analytics, will provide you with the exact numbers and percentages regarding the impact of these kinds of campaigns on your site’s traffic.

As such, you’ll know if the campaign really helped your website visits go up or not.

* Key Indicator #3: Quality Leads and New Customers

Of course, at the end of the day, what most companies really care about is whether or not a particular marketing campaign helped generate quality leads and new customers.

To achieve this goal, many companies have found success by creating a landing page specifically to generate quality leads from their Instagram influencer campaigns.

example of how to get organic Instagram followers

With a well-designed landing page in place, it’s much easier to measure how many of your website visitors turn into leads, and how many of your leads turn into actual paying customers.

This helps you accurately track important metrics like conversion rate and cost-per-acquisition.

A quality, tried-and-true influencer marketing campaign won’t just increase your total number of sales and leads—it should also help lower your company’s cost-per-acquisition, allowing you to become more profitable.

It should open up opportunities to create a loyal group of customers that you can soon target more effectively to further increase profitability in the future.

* Key Indicator #4: Compare Outcomes

Finally, be sure to compare the outcomes of your influencer campaign posts with other top-performing posts and campaigns from your account.

Does the help of an influencer blow your other top posts out of the water? Or, are you in for an unpleasant surprise, discovering that regular posts have contributed more to account growth?

Careful selection of a quality influencer can help you avoid this type of outcome, but it’s always good to compare results to guarantee you’re getting your money’s worth.

Now It’s Your Turn …

Now that you know which measurements you should be looking at, it’s time to take a step back.

Are your current influencer partnerships helping you get organic Instagram followers and grow your brand? Or, on the flip side of things, is it time to find some better influencers?

When you both understand and track the results that will help grow your company’s Instagram account, it becomes that much easier to ensure you work only with the best influencers in the business and make smarter Instagram marketing decisions.

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