3 of the Best Instagram Takeovers of All Time

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Last Updated: May 28, 2021

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For businesses these days, a strong social media game is every bit as important as a killer ad campaign. Instagram in particular is looking to be one of the most effective ways to cultivate brand image, draw in new customers and organically grow Instagram followers. One strategy that often goes under the radar is an Instagram takeover. 

It goes without saying, then, that businesses are scrambling to perfect their Instagram image, as it were, in order to appeal to new customers.

Instagram can make or break a company—one great campaign can make a brand explode, and one misguided post can torpedo a company’s image and leave them running around in circles doing damage control. 

Obviously, some companies are better at Instagram than others.

Some struggle and seem out of touch, while others constantly seem to be on top of every new trend and perfectly in line with the overall ethos of their customers. Others, still, have spent time in both categories. An Instagram takeover is something that can amplify any marketing strategy or goal.

Luckily, one bad post or campaign does not necessarily a disaster make. Many companies, under the right management and using the right strategies, have been able to effectively recover from a rough spot (or several rough spots) to become top-notch Instagram users. 

If you’re a business owner or social media manager struggling to make a name for yourself or organically grow Instagram followers, take heart in the following examples of “Instagram takeovers” that have revamped brand images and resulted in a strong social media game.

1) Adidas

The return of Adidas is common knowledge, and the evolution of their social media game has followed a similar path.

Key in Adidas’ improvement has been their decision to veer away from TV advertising in favor of social advertising. They understand that their core market—millennials—just isn’t spending much time watching traditional cable, and is much more likely to see and respond to social and digital advertisements.

In addition to improving their products and partnering with cultural icons like Kanye West, Pusha T. and Pharrell Williams, they rolled out killer Instagram campaigns.

Take, for example, their #ORIGINALis campaign, featuring (you guessed it) more celebrities, like Snoop Dogg and Desiigner, designed to promote their revamped line of Adidas Originals.

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2) Airbnb

Not without their fair share of controversy, Airbnb found itself in dire need of a social media image boost in order to remind users of the positive aspects of the company.

This ended up being perhaps the most beneficial path they could’ve taken. Spreading a message of inclusion with their #WeAccept campaign, they made a point of showing their users that their goal was to remain inclusive and friendly to all (likely a subtle response to certain political happenings at the time).

This effectively changed the narrative surrounding the company and made them a more appealing option to their key demographic (as always, millennials).

3) Stella Artois

Remember the last time you saw an ad for beer? What company was it for? Odds are, unless it was one of the Budweiser Clydesdale Super Bowl commercials, you don’t remember.

In order to break up the monotony of advertising for beer—and to do some good in the world—Stella Artois teamed up with Matt Damon in an effort to use sales to help end the global water crisis.

On the back of the “Buy a Lady a Drink” and the #1Chalice5Years campaigns, Stella Artois changed their image and the conversation surrounding their brand.

Rather than being just another beer trying to sound classy with a French name, Stella Artois more or less became the face of the movement to provide clean water around the world.

That’s the power of Matt Damon, right?

Needless to say, Instagram takeovers work. Don’t take our word for it, though …

Try your hand at it to see firsthand what all of the buzz is about!

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