3 New Ways to Create More Innovative Instagram Posts

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Last Updated: Apr 17, 2020

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There’s no denying the obvious—if you’re reading this blog, it’s because you’re trying to find new ways to creative more innovative posts on Instagram that double as some of the best Instagram growth tools.

The problem?

There are a lot of other people out there who, just like you, are also trying everything they can to capture the attention of Instagram users. In 2020, 90 percent of accounts follow at least one business on Instagram and 83 percent discover new products or services on the platform. This is why it’s crucial for your brand to stand out and be noticed on Instagram.

The bad news is that you have a lot of competition for user engagement. The good news, however, is that you still have a chance to get ahead of the curve …

So, what can you do to make your posts stand out from the crowd? Below, you’ll find three unique ways to spice up both your content and Instagram marketing plan:

1) Piecemeals

You may have been confused as you’ve scrolled through your Instagram feed to see that one of your favorite brands has posted what looks like only part of a picture.

While poorly-executed piecemeal photos can seem confusing in a trickle-down feed, quality piecemeal content can stand alone, while also complementing your Instagram marketing plan by creating eye-catching galleries.

What exactly is a piecemeal photo, you ask?

Essentially, you create piecemeal photos when you take a large image (for example, of a living room that your interior design company decorated) and split it into smaller parts.

Alternatively, you can add graphics or other design elements that link individual photos when viewed in a gallery. Many brands will split their piecemeal photos into anywhere between two and six images, and it acts as one of the best Instagram growth tools because if its aesthetically-appealing look.

best instagram growth tools- piecemeal photos

When carefully planned and posted in the proper order, each image (or video) can be engaging on its own, but then, creates a larger, more cohesive image when viewed together on your Instagram account’s gallery.

By turning a single photo into multiple engaging images, you can essentially double the engagement rate you would have normally achieved by posting a single photo.

2) Cinemagraphs are Some of the Best Instagram growth Tools

Cinemagraphs have actually been around for a while now, and many brands have already jumped onboard with this one-of-a-kind concept that adds video elements to a still image.

These uncommon images take advantage of Instagram’s endless loops feature, which ensures that after a user becomes mesmerized upon finding the moving element(s) of your image, they can stick around to watch it for as long as they want.

cinemagraphs-best instagram growth tools

After all, viewers like to find the unexpected on Instagram, and when a seemingly still image features a hint of motion, it can instantly capture their attention, even drawing their focus to a specific part of the image that would otherwise be ignored.

Best of all, cinemagraphs aren’t as hard to create as you might think.

There are several apps available that allow you to both quickly and easily turn your videos into a single image with a touch of animation. Content that would otherwise come across as “just another photo” can suddenly become a different kind of engaging social experience.

3) Color Scheming

Similar to when you create a piecemeal photo gallery, effectively using color schemes requires careful consideration of your overall Instagram marketing plan. That said, when done right, it can add further appeal to your gallery as a whole.

While not often seen on Instagram (as it can limit your ability for spontaneous, in-the-moment posts), the basic idea is that you keep your images within a particular hue or color palette during a set time. For example, you might post only blue images (Instagram’s most popular color) for one week, and then gradually transition to purple.

example of some of the best instagram growth tools

Not only does this help you craft great-looking images, it also adds flair to your greater gallery. Make sure to check out our Instagram to see how we color scheme!

Alternatively, you can make color contrast the focus of your Instagram marketing plan’s content. Dynamic color contrasts can help your images “pop,” while also allowing you to maintain the ability to produce spontaneous content.


Piecemeals, cinemagraphs and color scheme planning are all excellent ways to help your content stand out, and some of the best Instagram growth tools —not just in a user’s feed, but also when they visit your profile.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there, and start spicing up your content with these exciting techniques. Because of it, you’ll see better engagement in no time at all!

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