139 Must Know Instagram Facts

Must Know Facts About Instagram
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Last Updated: May 24, 2021

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Did you know that female celebrities dominate the stats on Instagram? Singer and actress Selena Gomez has the largest single following out of anyone on the social network, boasting over 203 million followers. Not far behind her are Taylor Swift, fellow music icons Ariana Grande and Beyonce, and reality TV queen Kim Kardashian. These women are more popular than fashion brands like Nike (68 million followers), world famous soccer team Barcelona (42.5 million), and former President Barack Obama (just 11.5 million). If you or your brand is famous, the likes of Instagram are clearly an invaluable tool for reaching your audience, but that tool can also be leveraged as part of a marketing strategy too. Data reveals that over 70% of companies are expected to have a presence on the image-centric platform by the end of the year, while the current top brands are already posting on average 4.9 times a week. This is more than a 50% increase over 2016.

These and many other interesting Instagram facts are covered in a new infographic by WebsiteBuilder.org. Here are four you may not have known:

Did you know that …

  • International brands benefit greatly from Instagram because more than three quarters of its users are located outside of the United States.
  • It can be successfully leveraged as a marketing tool organically and via paid placements. Mobile ad revenue alone hit $1.53 billion in 2016.
  • Users are a loving bunch, as the most used emoji is the love heart and the most used hashtag is literally #Love. On the flipside ‘Insta’ is seconds only to Facebook in claims of cyber-bullying.
  • The most popular single post on Instagram is of Selena Gomez drinking a coke. Whether this was a paid placement or not, Coca Cola are laughing all the way to the bank.

Of course not all companies are as large or successful as Coca Cola, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t money to be made with the right strategy. After all, over 50% of the network’s 500 million or more users follow at least one business/brand account. If your business isn’t one of them you are missing out on a huge opportunity. The infographic also reveals that a statistically significant increase in conversions has been recorded on 70% of performance campaigns. Have you utilized one of these yourself? Furthermore 5% of users surveyed admitted that Instagram posts have inspired them to carry out actions like search the web, purchase something online, visit a website, or refer a friend.

You can capitalize on this by making sure to make your most important posts on Wednesday at 5pm, which is when the platform’s users are the most active. Data also shows that more women are on Instagram than men, at a ratio of 31% of female internet users compared to 21% of men. In terms of age, in the US 55% of 18 to 29s are active.

To learn more about Instagram, including invaluable advice about using it as marketing tool, be sure to check out the full infographic below from WebsiteBuilder.

Must Know Facts About Instagram [Infographic]

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