How to Get Instagram Famous Using These Social Media Best Practices

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Last Updated: Jun 1, 2021

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today with over 1 billion monthly users, with more users everyday trying to figure out how to get Instagram famous. This platform has become one of the biggest opportunities for marketers and budding influencers looking to make a name for themselves. 

With the barrier to entry being close to zero, anyone today can call themselves an “influencer”, but without a following you likely will have a hard time actually influencing anyone or making money. And as a business, you won’t have as great of an online presence or brand awareness that other accounts with larger followings will. 

If building an Instagram presence is a high priority for you or your business, keep reading for the best practices on how to get Instagram famous.  

Best Practices To Get Instagram Famous

Collab With Another Influencer 

One of the reasons it’s hard to get popular on Instagram is due to the amount of users on the platform. When starting out it can be challenging to reach new audiences, especially with Instagram’s organic reach getting closer to zero with every algorithm update

Collaborating with another influencer is a great example of a way to reach new audiences. Every account has its unique audience, even when in the same niche, so collaborating with another influencer can expose your personal brand to new people. 

If your goal is to get Instagram famous, it’s vital to be selective with who you work with when collaborating. Any exposure can help you gain followers and push you further on your road to getting popular on Instagram. By choosing wisely, however, this journey will be much shorter. 

Influencers Megan Heaton and Payton Sartain’s friendship turned business partnership, as they collaborated on many brand partnerships. This collaboration is mutually beneficial for the duo as their personal brands are being exposed on the other’s platform. This can only help their followings grow and allow for them to get more popular on Instagram. We spoke to Megan, and this is what she had to say about growing her following on the platform:

Megan Heaton headshot

It’s SO important to work together and collaborate with other people in the industry. We are MUCH stronger in numbers and being able to cross-market and gain traffic from each other’s following is a huge tool for growing

I also like to emphasize how critical showing up as your most authentic self is. ‘No one is you and that is your power.’ When it comes to standing out on social media, being 100% yourself will get you way further in regards to connecting with your audience and building a loyal following, rather than trying to mimic the majority and perform like everyone else on the platform.”

Megan Heaton, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger

Focus On Community-Building

It’s nearly impossible to get famous on Instagram without community! Building a trusted community will keep followers coming back to your page day after day. 

Some influencers like travel expert, Brian Kelly, aka @thepointsguy, have built communities by providing valuable information to their followers. Brian started his account to share tips on how to travel the world with only points, but is on his way to becoming Instagram famous. 

Achieve High Engagement

You don’t need a million followers to have high engagement, quite the opposite actually. Brands are now turning to work with micro-influencers due to their higher engagement rates. 

Engagement rate is calculated by dividing the total number of likes and comments you receive by your follower count then multiplied by 100. 

If you’re wondering how to get Instagram famous, creating content that other users will want to engage with is key. The higher your engagement rate, the more likely brands will want to work with you, further boosting your exposure. 

Instagram is a chain reaction and every opportunity, partnership, or technique can only aid in helping you with becoming famous on the platform.

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Inspire People

If you’re figuring out how to get Instagram famous, inspiring people is another way to achieve this. Before proceeding, copying an inspirational quote from Pinterest into your caption is not going to help. 

For example, Female Collective provides daily inspiration by producing content that is uplifting and empowering for the female community. 

Accounts who provide true inspirational content gain large engaged followers quickly. If finding ways on how to get famous on Instagram is your end goal, inspiring the community is a great place to start.

Be Authentic; Don’t Fake It

With so many accounts on Instagram, people appreciate transparency, credibility and authenticity. Don’t fake it, other users will be able to tell and will keep scrolling. 

If you’re trying to get Instagram famous, authenticity is key. Showing an altered version of yourself may grab attention and gain likes in the beginning, but it’s showing your flawed, true self that will compel followers to stay long-term. 

The goal is to keep and gain long-term invested followers. When looking for ways of how to get famous on Instagram, retaining lots of followers should be the basis of your social media marketing strategy

Jordan, @thebalancedblonde is unapologetically herself as she documents her journey on Instagram with Lyme Disease. Find something in your life that is unique to you and share it with the community. 

Post Consistently

It’s extremely challenging to get Instagram famous if you don’t post consistently. With the current algorithm, it’s not necessary to post daily, but the more content you produce, the likelier you can retain a large engaged audience. 

Instagram users are hungry for new content on a regular basis. The amount of content you produce to keep these users engaged differs from account to account, but overall posting consistently, or a minimum of a few times a week at optimal posting times is ideal. 

Keep in mind, when focusing on how to get Instagram famous, choose quality over quantity. Throwing up content for the sake of it will not help you get popular on Instagram. 

Gary V posts multiple times a day on his social channels. With almost 8 million followers he has definitely mastered the techniques, skills and social strategy for how to get famous on Instagram. 

Choose The Right Hashtags

Strategically using hashtags is a prime example of how to get Instagram famous. Hashtags continue to be one of the most important aspects of your Instagram marketing strategy. Hashtags make it easier for other users to discover your content. 

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Think of hashtags like they’re keywords for a search engine. Neglecting to implement a hashtag strategy makes it more difficult for potential followers to view your content. 

To find the sweet spot of hashtags, use tags that are positive enough that people will search and use them, but not so popular your content will get lost in the shuffle. 

For example, companies use branded hashtags to promote their content and encourage user-generated content. REI uses the #OptOutside to promote followers to post themselves getting outside in nature. 

how to get Instagram famous branded hashtags

Stay Away From Fake Followers

As mentioned, if you’re wondering how to get Instagram famous, engagement is key. When you purchase fake followers, they do not engage the same way real accounts do. 

Now, companies looking to collaborate will notice your engagement rates compared to your follower account, and recognize you purchased fake followers or bots. These fake followers will comment and direct message spammy content, not purchase your products or services, and potentially get your account removed from the platform

Develop A Content Strategy

Next, developing a content strategy will help you in your efforts to get famous on Instagram. Instagram users expect a certain level of consistency when it comes to content and will only engage if you continue to produce incredible posts for them to engage with. 

People today look for meaning, purpose, and inspiration in the accounts they follow. With a content strategy in place, users will have a reason and desire to follow you. If you’re looking to become Instagram famous, implementing a content strategy filled with meaningful, engaging, or informative content will go a long way. 

Engage In Social Media Cross-Promotion

One of the easiest ways to get popular on Instagram is using social media cross-promotion. By occasionally reminding your followers that you post on other platforms, they’ll be inclined to follow you without feeling like you’re shoving it down their throats. 

For a subtle approach, link your other social platform usernames in your bio. 

how to get Instagram famous cross promotion

For example, lifestyle blogger Erin Miller links her Tik Tok username in her Instagram bio. Now, her Instagram followers are more likely to discover her video content on this new platform. 

Apply These Practices To Become IG Famous

Don’t underestimate the power of authenticity and passion for your content. Yes, many cheat the system, but when it comes to building a community and thus a loyal following, it’s not impossible. Genuine engagement is better than fake likes or followers any day. 

So although it’s unlikely you’ll become Instagram famous overnight, with these tips and tricks under your belt, you’ll be on your way to gaining a following in no time.

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